In a world that often demands perfection, embracing our true selves can be a challenging journey. That’s why I’ve developed a mind and body coaching method to help you uncover the profound connection between mental and physical well-being and how these facets play a pivotal role in enabling self-acceptance.

My wish is to empower you with the knowledge, tools and support necessary to embark on a transformative journey toward loving and embracing every facet of yourself. Whether you’re seeking a healthier body, mental clarity, or even a more fulfilling life path, I am here to guide you on the journey to self-discovery and self-acceptance. Join me in exploring the intricate interplay that exists between our minds and bodies and unlocking your own pathway to a happier, healthier and more authentic way of being.

My Method

My Story

Body Positivity Counselling

Personal Performance Coaching

Psychotherapy Led Nutrition and Exercise Coaching

Eating Disorder Recovery

Midlife Navigation & Balance

“Seek the root causes, for understanding the source is the essence of true healing.”

— Gabor Mate